DyslexiaLearning DisabilitiesWhat's Inside?

What’s inside of a Dyslexia Diagnosis?

From 10 to 15% of the US school population has dyslexia Only 5% of dyslexics are ever diagnosed. Dyslexia accounts for 85% of the learning disabilities in America.

Dyslexia is a language disability, not a reading disability, so it not only affects the ability to learn to read, write and spell, but it also affects communication abilities.  Dyslexics often have slower processing, problems with attention, and different ways of perceiving and visualizing the world.

Most people don’t know it, but dyslexic children often have totally unique differences.  Certainly they share some difficulties, but your child can have one or more of the weaknesses shown on this diagram.

Follow this link to see inside of the other six learning disabilities. 

what's inside your child's dyslexia diagnosis?

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(Statistics are from Fine Until Kindergarten: A Parent’s First Guide to Learning Disabilities, and from the Understood website.)

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